In taking blood pressures, it is very important for the one reading the sphygmomanometer to know the difference of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

He or she must know the significance of a high or low systolic blood pressure and a high or low diastolic blood pressure to the life of the patient. Also, in determining if the systolic or diastolic blood pressure is high or low, it is necessary for the one taking the blood pressure to know the normal range of each blood pressure.
Normal range for systolic blood pressure is between 90-120 mm of mercury, and for diastolic blood pressure, it is between 60-80 mm of mercury. For a healthy individual, lower than 120/80 is already considered a low blood pressure and 130/80 is considered high. Knowing each of these will alarm the nurse or the one taking the blood pressure for any abnormalities.
With this, proper and early intervention will be provided that will save the life of a “high risk” patient.